Freedom Proclamation

By Roxana Reyes Davis

I found my voice hidden in a clam,

Hidden beneath an ocean,

Hidden under heavy rocks,

hidden under waves of despair.


And the rocks were heavier

Than I could imagine

And the waves made the waters dark

And terrified me…


But my voice was mine

So I did not mind

The risk of using my bare hands

To dig in the bottom of that ocean,

In order to find such unique treasure,

for only I could rescue it.


I found words that matched

my God-given sounds.

Sounds that didn’t have meaning to some

but sounded sweet and deep to others.


My voice once was stolen,

Covered in shyness, bitterness, shame

But now it’s melodious, swift of music,

Heavenly free.


Christ paid the price

For now I’m free,

Free to proclaim what He has done for me.

Kneeling before thee I shout: “I’m free”.


My voice once lost is found.

I’ve been set free!

Free at last,




Matthew 13:45-46

45 `The kingdom of heaven is like this. A trader was looking for fine stones called pearls.

46 He found a pearl that was worth a lot of money. Then he went and sold everything he had and bought it.’

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